Animal House

Animal House Overveiw

On the premises of Malla Reddy College of Pharmacy is a cutting-edge animal housing facility. The Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Ministry of Fisheries, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, has approved the Animal House facility for use in animal experiments. (CPCSEA Registration No. 1217/PO/Re/S/08). In accordance with CPCSEA rules, our college has furnished well-sized animal houses for research purposes. The college has received a five-year registration from CPCSEA. As a result, the CPCSEA formed the IAEC committee, which holds biannual inspection meetings. It was last inspected on September 14, 2023.

The three “R’s” of refinement, reduction, and replacement are upheld by the Institutional Animals Ethics Committee (IAEC), which was established by CPCSEA and assesses all research proposals involving the use of animals. There are mice, rats, and bunnies in the animal house. Animals of different species are kept apart in separate rooms to prevent the spread of disease and disputes between species. Exhaust fans and air conditioning are provided in the animal rooms to allow for the exchange of fresh air. There is also enough lighting, a steady supply of power, and water. To keep the animals in regulated environments, constant efforts are undertaken. To determine the animals’ state of health, regular monitoring is done on them. To take care of the animals, a veterinarian pays frequent trips to the animal shelter.

According to CPCSEA rules, every room has ventilation and is maintained at a temperature of 23±3°C, relative humidity of 60±10%, and a 12:12 h light and dark cycle.  A full-time veterinarian provides veterinary care. Regular cleaning and disinfection of animal rooms, hallways, storage areas, and other locations is handled by the animal house attendant. Regular sterilizations are performed on the bedding, water bottles, and cages. Animal carcasses are among the waste materials that are burned in incinerators. An agreement has been inked between Maridi Bio Industry Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, and Biomedical waste disposal. For everyday tasks, GLP principles are implemented as standard operating procedures.

The facility with the animal houses improves the environment for study and education in the developing fields of toxicology, molecular biology, and experimental pharmacology. The facility is committed to providing lab animals in good health and helping researchers use animals ethically for research while abiding by the CPCSEA. Faculty members with the necessary qualifications are always available to support research and ensure that it adheres to the CPCSEA guidelines. Pre-clinical testing is offered by Animal House in accordance with national and international regulatory standards.

Protocol for the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Standard Operating Procedure

  • The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960 established the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA). It provides instructions on how animal studies should be carried out.
  • Animals are cared for in an appropriate and healthful way. Animals are not made to endure needless agony prior to, during, or following the conduct of studies on them.
  • No animals are needlessly sacrificed for scientific purposes. Research shouldn’t be conducted twice. In order to guarantee accurate data gathering, animals are maintained in a disease-free state.
  • The source of the animals is authorized breeders. Large animal experiments should be avoided wherever feasible.
  • Institutional Animal Ethics Committees (IAEC) have been established in institutions that undertake animal studies to ensure that these regulations and standards are implemented effectively. The head of the institution has nominated members of this scientific body.
  • The IAEC must review applications for small animal experimentation, primarily to determine whether the experiment is necessary and to make sure that routine experimentation is avoided. All choices must have the Committee’s approval before being made.
  • The Principal Investigators, members of the Animal Ethics Committee, and scientific researchers will all benefit from a greater grasp of the ethical protocols associated with animal experiments thanks to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. 

Animal House features a variety of rooms with the following hygienic conditions, air conditioning, handling, and circulation facilities.

  • Research labs located in the institution housing animals.
  • A space dedicated to experimenting with rabbits, mice, and albino Wistar rats
  • A quarantine room
  • distinct functional rooms for surgical assistance
  • animal treatment
  • post-operative and intensive care for animals
  • experiments that should be conducted elsewhere other than where the animals are housed.

The Role of IAEC

  • The IAEC is responsible for conducting an impartial, knowledgeable, and prompt evaluation of the ethics of any proposed study prior to its start, as well as for routinely keeping an eye on current investigations.
  • The purpose of the IAEC's assessment and approval process for research projects involving animal experimentation is to ensure the welfare and maintenance of the animals employed in laboratory studies.

Objectives of IAEC

  • To keep an eye on, check, and verify that animal housing complies with requirements.
  • To control animal research according to predetermined guidelines and requirements.
  • To promote the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) and make sure that animal tests are avoided wherever possible.
  • In vitro experiments, meta-analyses, and simulation models are encouraged.
  • To encourage experimenters to undergo ongoing training, skill development, and process upgrades.
  • Making ensuring that studies on larger animals are avoided when smaller animals may be used to provide the same outcomes.
  • To guarantee the keeping of all necessary documentation pertaining to animal research
  • To guarantee the appropriate treatment of animals used in research both prior to and following their completion.
  • To guarantee animal welfare and high-quality research, in-house training programs should be set up for novice animal experimenters who have never conducted an animal experiment before.
  • A designated space for the dumping of used animals; • A room for cleaning; • A room for animal feed.

Procedure of Meeting

  • With assistance from the IAEC Member Secretary, the Chairperson of the IAEC is in charge of presiding over a minimum of two IAEC meetings per calendar year. 
  • The Member Secretary will be in charge of setting up the meetings, keeping track of the documents, and corresponding with everyone involved.
  • Before sending the minutes to the Principal Investigator, he or she will draft them and have them approved by the CPCSEA Chairperson and nominee.
  • Within 15 days following the meeting, a copy of the minutes must be given to Member Secretary CPCSEA; otherwise, the meeting will not be held.

IAEC Members of MRCP


Dr. B. Dinesh Kumar

CPCSEA Main Nominee


Dr. Chaitanya Pavuluri

Scientist outside the Institute


Dr. M. Satyavani

Social aware Nominee


Dr. M. Swetcha



Dr. M. Sudhakar

Chairman cum scientist from different biological discipline


Dr. R.L. Manisha

Member secretary cum biological scientist


Dr. S. Sridhar

Scientist from different biological discipline


Mrs. Malvika Singh

Scientist in charge of Animal house facility

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