
Research Policy Formulation and Administration

The development and continual refinement of the Research Policy at Malla Reddy College of Pharmacy (MRCP) will be under the purview of the Principal. To ensure comprehensive guidance on research matters, an adept research advisory body will be instituted. The Research Policy’s central goal is to install a vibrant research environment among MRCP’s faculty and researchers, serving as an overarching framework for research activities.

Core Objectives

  • Cultivate an inclusive environment within the institution, fostering a robust research culture and delivering crucial support through a well-defined research framework and guidelines.
  • Provide a robust and effective support system to assist faculty and researchers at MRCP in executing their research activities with efficiency.
  • Assure the publication of research findings in esteemed journals indexed in Scopus/Web of Science, with a focus on journals boasting a substantial impact factor.
  • Foster an environment conducive to socially impactful research with promising commercialization prospects.
  • Establish a Research Center within the institution with a commitment to achieving excellence in research.
  • courage and facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations and forge partnerships on both national and global scales.

R & D Cell Composition

Dr. M Sudhakar

Principal & Professor


Dr. K Vijaya Sri



Dr. S. Sridhar



Dr. C. Parthiban



Dr. Y. Nirmala



Dr. R. L. Manisha



Dr. B. Sunitha



Dr. Aneesa



Policy and Guidelines Framework

Research Engagement: Expectations are set for faculty members and research departments at the institution to actively engage in research endeavors, leading to high-quality publications, notable presentations at national/international conferences, and the generation of intellectual property with commercial potential.

Responsibilities of Faculty and Researchers: Research output stands as a pivotal criterion for faculty recruitment and advancement at the institution, complementing other academic responsibilities.

Talent Acquisition and Advancement: The institution will seek to recruit faculty members and researchers demonstrating a proven capability in research. Faculty promotions will prominently hinge on research accomplishments, particularly research publications, evaluated through established indices such as Impact Factor (IF), subject to periodic review.

Supervision of Research Activities: A dedicated research committee at the institution will be entrusted with overseeing the holistic functioning of research activities within the college. Departmental research undertakings will be coordinated by the Head of the Department (HOD) or the relevant departments.

Ethics in Research Conduct: Every participant in research at the institution, including faculty, PhD scholars, and postgraduate researchers, is expected to uphold the highest ethical standards. This encompasses adherence to ethical guidelines, ensuring data originality, and a steadfast commitment to academic honesty. Appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken against those found guilty of ethical lapses.

Student Research Nurturing: To elevate the quality of research output at the institution, mentorship and internships for undergraduate and postgraduate students will be actively encouraged, fostering tangible research outcomes.

Conference Attendance Funding: The institution will allocate funds to facilitate attendance at national and international conferences/seminars/conventions/workshops and faculty development programs. Support will encompass travel expenses and 50% of the registration fees for the presenting author.

Assessing Publication Quantity: Research undertaken within the institution is expected to adhere to rigorous ethical standards and significantly contribute to the field. The current evaluation of research contributions involves considering the Impact Factor provided by relevant sources. THE INSTITUTION encourages publications in journals indexed in Pubmed, Scopus/Web of Science, with flexibility to revise this policy as required in the future.

Regular Review of Research Output: Each department at the institution will undertake periodic evaluations of research output, furnishing this information to the Research Committee and the Principal’s office on a semi-annual basis. This structured process aims to assess research contributions and implement corrective measures when necessary.

Research plays a crucial role in pharmaceutical colleges, contributing to advancements in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, the development of new drugs, and the overall improvement of healthcare. The importance of research in a pharmaceutical college is multi-faceted and extends to various aspects of academic, industry, and healthcare domains. Here are several key reasons highlighting the significance of research in pharmaceutical colleges:

  1. Drug Discovery and Development:

    • Research in pharmaceutical colleges contributes to the discovery and development of new drugs. This involves the identification of potential drug candidates, understanding their mechanisms of action, and optimizing their formulations for therapeutic use.
  2. Advancements in Pharmaceutical Sciences:

    • Ongoing research leads to advancements in various pharmaceutical disciplines, including pharmaceutics, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis, and biotechnology. These advancements contribute to the overall growth of pharmaceutical sciences.
  3. Innovation and Technology Development:

    • Research fosters innovation in pharmaceutical technology, leading to the development of novel drug delivery systems, improved formulations, and advanced analytical techniques. This innovation is essential for staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving pharmaceutical industry.
  4. Addressing Healthcare Challenges:

    • Pharmaceutical research addresses healthcare challenges by developing solutions for prevalent diseases, improving treatment options, and enhancing the efficacy and safety of existing medications.
  5. Contribution to Public Health:

    • Research outcomes often have a direct impact on public health. New drug discoveries, therapeutic interventions, and healthcare technologies contribute to the prevention, treatment, and management of diseases, thereby benefiting society.
  6. Educational Enrichment:

    • Research activities enrich the educational experience for students in pharmaceutical colleges. Engaging in research allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.
  7. Collaboration with Industry:

    • Research in pharmaceutical colleges often involves collaboration with pharmaceutical industries. This collaboration facilitates the transfer of knowledge, expertise, and technology between academia and industry, promoting mutual growth.
  8. Publication and Knowledge Dissemination:

    • Research outcomes are typically disseminated through publications in scientific journals and presentations at conferences. This contributes to the global body of knowledge in pharmaceutical sciences and allows researchers to share their findings with the scientific community.
  9. Quality Assurance and Regulatory Compliance:

    • Research activities contribute to ensuring the quality and safety of pharmaceutical products. Compliance with regulatory standards and the implementation of quality assurance practices are often outcomes of research-driven initiatives.
  10. Career Development for Faculty and Students:

    • Engaging in research enhances the professional development of faculty members and provides students with opportunities for hands-on research experience. This exposure is valuable for students considering careers in academia, research, or the pharmaceutical industry.
  11. Competitive Edge in Academic Rankings:

    • Research output often contributes to the academic reputation of a pharmaceutical college. A strong research profile can enhance the institution’s standing in national and international academic rankings.
  12. Contribution to Evidence-Based Medicine:

    • Pharmaceutical research contributes to the generation of evidence that informs medical decision-making. This is particularly important in the practice of evidence-based medicine, where healthcare decisions are guided by rigorous scientific research.

In summary, research in pharmaceutical colleges is integral to advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and addressing healthcare challenges. It not only contributes to the academic mission of the institution but also plays a vital role in improving patient outcomes, shaping industry practices, and preparing the next generation of professionals in the field.

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